Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I am afraid...

...that all this will work and I'll get pregnant...that all this will not work and I won't get pregnant...that I'll only ever have one kid...that I won't be able to carry a baby to term...that I won't get my body back after having a kid...that it will negatively affect my relationship with Husband...that I'm not emotionally strong enough to handle this...that I won't be a good mother...that my kid will be THAT kid...that I won't have a kid until I'm 40...that I won't have the patience...that labor will be too painful...that I won't be able to breastfeed.

Ah, it feels good to get that off my chest.

In exciting news, we might have a guest blogger at mybrokenuterus soon.


Candace said...

but you are a beautiful daughter of your father in heaven and that makes everything ok. :)

Alissa said...

the moment you learn that you're pregnant begins a lifetime of worrying. worrying that you're not doing enough. doing too much. failing. even success worries you.

i could go though and give you a hug for each of your worries. and i'd like to. (come to florida. sleep in our new house. not on the couch).

Mia said...

You sound like a mom already. If you had no worries, I'd be worried about you.

We miss you!!

La Yen said...

I second all of these. Every single one.

Kristi said...

There's always something to worry about! I share at least half of those worries and I already have three of THOSE kids....

iheartgardening said...

what's so bad about having a kid when you're 40 huh? you sound really negative. maybe that's your issue.

Rachel said...

Carolyn, I didn't know that you were struggling with all of this too. I'm so glad you left a comment on my blog. I relate to EVERYTHING you have written on this blog. (And you and Stewart write it SO WELL...you are both fabulous writers.)